Thursday, July 14, 2011

You can do anything, but not everything.

I have one certainity in my life: I love my husband, my daughter, and my extended families. I am a darn good Momma and I am learning to be a better wife. I am confident that I belong working in the mental health field, I am hopeful that I will do that as a Clinical Psychologist.

I also would like to write a novel, have a beautiful house that looks like it was designed by a pro, crochet and read for pleasure. I want to wake up in the morning in time to meditate, drink some coffee, and get dressed so that my outside matches my inside. I want to go to bed without dishes in the sink or laundry on the floor and preferably at the same time as my husband. I want to spend my days playing games and doing crafts and running errands with my daughter. I want to garden and cook every meal. I want to always have cookies in a jar on the table. I want to blog everyday and hone my writing skills. I want to exercise everyday.

See the problem?
I know it's all about priorities. When I have to choose, my husband and my daughter will always come first. Second place is a little more tricky. On my best days I know that school and my career goal should be second, but then what about the house? Housework and errands are part of having a healthy marriage and taking care of your children. The list goes on...

I have tried to make schedules and lists so that I can fit everything in each day. The thing is, that stretches me pretty thin and I end up doing a lot of things "okay", and not one thing "extraordinarily".  That is really not how I want to live.

This season in my life has been spent trying to prioritize, trying to juggle. In the end, I recognize that a lot of the things I want to do are leisurely or hobbies. So those will obviously have to be at the bottom of the list. I could take a hint from the three little pigs.

Work before play.
It's a good thing some of my work feels like play...sometimes.

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