I felt this nagging feeling of..."dumb". I didn't have to convince myself that I was doing horribly, it just came naturally. I didn't even sit down already feeling defeated, it just krept in. Then, the awful inside voice started talking. "You've always been bad at math", "You'll always struggle with this", "Why are you even trying to get better?".
"You're a waste of space in my classroom".
And there it was. My 7th grade math teacher, living in my head, and screwing everything up. She said that to me once, kept me after class with another student and spoke those 8 words that I've, evidently, come to define myself, and my math ability by. I'm emptying out that garbage and making room for the truth. "I haven't always been bad at math", "I'm done struggling with this", "I will get better".
Mrs. M,
You're a waste of space in my head.
MEGA BURN!! Love it.....liberate that inner math genius!!
Your fellow math hater
Morgan :)